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The Work

Skillen & Co. has partnered with the BC NDP on multiple campaigns since 2017 to help them engage their base to vote, win elections, and to promote their values to BC citizens.

2017 BC Provincial Election Campaign: We worked at campaign HQ and on the campaign bus to produce daily content for the 2017 BC Provincial election, spending seven days a week on the road following leader John Horgan across the country and producing multiple videos per day. Daily coverage included press conferences, campaign update videos, media scrums, validator interviews, dedicated facebook livestream videos and large multi-camera rally events which we provided technical support and setup for.

Proportional Representation Campaign: The BC NDP supported the campaign for proportional representation in the 2018 referendum. In our ‘get out the vote’ video, we collaborated with the BC NDP communications team to write a humorous, scripted video featuring Premier John Horgan and several other notable NDP candidates. Using humour to engage an audience was highly successful, the video was shared widely on social media and online news sites, with over 88,000 views and hundreds of shares on facebook alone.

Nanaimo By-Election 2019 – Sheila Malcolmson: The Nanaimo by-election in 2019 was an important focus for the provincial party, due to the tight balance of power in the legislature. In order to support the campaign and raise more funds locally, we produced a video to promote the fundraising efforts for Sheila Malcolmson’s campaign.

Using our storyfinding and development process, we found Sue – a key volunteer in Nanaimo – who shared her story and motivation for her continued hard work and dedication for Sheila and the NDP. This story resonated deeply with a lot of supporters in Nanaimo, leading to strong fundraising and support for the campaign, and ultimately to an election win for Sheila.